The City of Detroit has been in the hot seat as severe and fatal pit bull attacks continue to make national news. On August 19, 2019, Emma Hernandez, age 9, was fatally mauled by 3 pit bulls. In 2015, Xavier Strickland, age 4, was fatally mauled by 4 pit bulls while walking to school with his mother. Dog attacks in Detroit prompted over 200 calls to 911 in the last year.
Detroit needs to adopt a pit bull policy to be followed by DACC in order to stop these horrific pit bull attacks. Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) forces pit bull owners to be responsible for their dogs. Here is what could work if implemented and enforced:
1. MANDATORY Spay/Neuter of all pit bull type dogs in the City of Detroit. (Detroit has a vicious pit bull problem, not a beagle, poodle or labrador problem- the majority of dogs at Detroit shelters are pit bulls/pit bull mixes)
2. Proper Containment
3. Require Liability insurance
4. Registration- Special license with higher fee, plus microchipping
5. Muzzling the dog in public or in yard.
6. Any pit bull that attacks MUST be euthanized, not rehomed.
7. Stray pit bulls should be euthanized after 5 day hold for the safety of the public.
8. Surrendered pit bulls should be immediately euthanized for the safety of the public
9. All pit bull type-dogs should come with a consumer protection label based on the current dog bite medical studies
10. * Educating the public based on the current medical studies that pit bulls are a danger to children
Short of a ban on pit bulls, these measures are proactive. They will prevent people from becoming victims. Prior to 2007, most animal shelters euthanized pit bulls out of concern for public safety. There is nothing inhumane about the humane euthanasia of dangerous dogs. This is a far better alternative than lives destroyed by a severe mauling.
This is exactly what should be happening everywhere! Stricter guidelines for any potential dangerous dog with the capabilities of killing or mauling a person or pet. Put a frickin muzzle on them when they leave the house that way innocent victims have a chance and proper containment if they are in the yard. Big fines if they get out and harm any living being. Responsibility for all medical costs and pain and suffering because it is absolutely horrific to watch a loved one being mauled! PTSD is real after witnessing this, nightmares, fear and stress happen after an attack. Can’t even take my dogs out for a walk anymore because of all these irresponsible owners who think they’re dog is so nice..until it snaps and it’s a blood bath! I now keep a pitchfork in my front yard because of the 2 unprovoked attacks I’ve had to go through on my own property! The next one that comes near me gets skewered!!