For Activists: Model Ordinances and State Laws

A list of BSL by state to serve as examples to model a law in your community or state. Also additional information to help lobby for BSL in your community or state.

We recommend contacting a City Council person in your community or a State Representative or Senator (or staff member) that is sympathetic to the cause to write an ordinance or state law tailored to your county or state to have the best chance of passing.

All information courtesy of

Breed-specific laws state-by-state

Over 900 U.S. cities have enacted breed-specific legislation. Cities such as Denver, which resides within a state containing a state preemption law, have effectively implemented these laws as well

Military breed-specific policies ::

In 2009, the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps
banned dangerous dog breeds from privatized housing domestically and
abroad. In 2012, the U.S. Air Force enacted a similar uniform policy.

Constitutionality of breed-specific laws ::

Both state appellate courts and federal courts consistently uphold the constitutionally of breed-specific legislation. In 2008, the United States Supreme Court weighed in favorably as well.

Appellate court decisions ::

Appellate courts across the United States have recognized the
dangerousness of the pit bull breed since the mid 1980s. We’ve listed
excerpts from high court decisions that demonstrate this….