Cleveland was charged with second-degree murder, involuntary manslaughter and possession of a dangerous animal causing death.
Assistant Wayne County Prosecutor Barbara Lanning said Cleveland created “a high risk of harm” by leaving the dogs unrestrained and unsupervised for more than two hours.
“It is no surprise to anyone that we’re in a situation where there are previous incidents where the dogs (are) barking at children, the dogs frequently escaping the backyard and the defendant knowing that these dogs are aggressive,” she said. “The situation like this one where … Emma Hernandez is doing nothing but riding a bike, being a child behind her own home, when she’s attacked by the defendant’s dogs.”
Cleveland’s defense attorney argued that Cleveland didn’t know his dogs were aggressive and that he was shocked that they fatally mauled the child.
At Cleveland’s preliminary exam, Judge Michael Wagner of 36th District court said Cleveland had been previously warned that his dogs were getting out of his backyard.
“He knew the dogs could get out and over (the fence) and had evidence that the dogs were getting out that’s why he was filling in the hole,” said Wagner.
“You have a duty to not allow these things to happen,” the judge told Cleveland.
“People in the neighborhood have a right to ride their bikes or cut their grass” without fear of the dogs getting out and attacking them, the judge said.
Apparently, the Wayne County jury didn’t see it that way.
God help us.
It is wrong to allow the two types of people to be in the same area. The people who find these dogs intimidating would never allow something like this to occur. People who in any way impose these dogs on just anyone are a health hazard.