Her life will never be the same, and it’s with increasing frustration that she sees a lack of action from lawmakers — and no criminal charges against the dogs’ owner.
Alain said that if no charges are laid, she feels she is living in the “wrong society,” where “the animal is more important than the person.”
When dog attacks make headlines, they can spark heated debate, but the furor often dies down within days or weeks. The victims, however, suffer for years if not for a lifetime with physical pain and nerve damage, emotional shock from disfigurement, and the financial toll of repeated surgeries and therapy.
We are here to give victims a voice, to explain what happened, how they cope, what happened in the days, weeks and years after they experienced an attack.
Here are just some of the stories we have received after requesting people share their experiences with pit bulls…
Jennifer N., Maine: “Walking down street, a pit bull ran from its home to the road and attacked my dog. It locked on and wouldn’t let go. Owner had to physically remove the dogs locked jaws from my dog after being asked to. Caused significant damage to my dog. She was a service dog, not anymore. She is a traumatized wreck.”
Virginia P. of Massachusetts: “My son, 60 years old, was attacked in 2019. He was bitten on the arm, jumped on and knocked down by a 130 lb pit bull., resulting in spinal fracture. A woman was attacked by the same dog two months later and needed surgery to her face and received a fractured elbow due to fall. Friends were attacked by rescue pit bull and were hospitalized for days.”
Darin H., Michigan: “My experience with pit bulls is that the owners are fully aware of the danger their dogs create but at the same time enjoy exposing other people to it. I went with a friend to his friend’s house where they owned a pitbull. We went to the backyard I stayed on the porch with a little hesitation because of the dog, they told me to hurry and jump down otherwise the dog would see that I am afraid and might attack. Towards the end of the visit we were in the front yard with the dog running freely across property lines”.
Ranay S., Colorado: I have never had good experiences with Pit Bulls, thankfully I have never been attacked only bit. However every PitBull that I have met with and without my dogs I have not trusted. They are very hard to read and are so unpredictable. They will be loving up on me one minute and not come near me then next. One of my old friends is a huge Pit enthusiast and currently has two Pit bulls and an American bulldog whom are all so aggressive with each other even though they grew up as puppies together and have never been shown aggression or hard punishment from their owners that they all have to be locked in different rooms or muzzled when they are together because they have all badly attacked each other on several occasions. She also brings these aggressive dogs to competitions, dog events and have even bred two of them passing on this aggressive gene to other pit bulls and plans on breeding them more.
Selkie, Vermont: Dog attacked twice (different attackers) Several friends bitten. Terrified to walk my GR in small town VT. Most people are unaware of the danger.
Charri W., Michigan: Killed my Yorkie in my yard !
Jane B., D.C.: My leashed dog was rushed by an off leash pit
Victor V., Arizona: I know dozens of people whose beloved pets were killed in front of them by pit bulls. I’ve had some close calls, dodged a bullet for sure. 2 of my kids have been attacked by pit bulls.
Janet Q., Pennsylvania: Attacked my daughter unprovoked just like every other pit bull has.
Becky E., North Carolina: Yes, Marcy was 5 years old and killed by a Pitt mix July 19, 2019. My daughter and I fought to save her but we couldn’t. I used to believe the propaganda that Pitts were big funny babies. I am terrified of them now. I bring some sort of weapon if I go on walks now. I am getting my concealed hand gun permit so I can start packing a gun for Pit protection.
Jeannie W., Texas: In August 2018, I was attacked and very nearly killed by a family friend’s two pit bulls. I was LifeFlighted to a trauma hospital, where they saved my life. I spent over 2 months in the Burn Unit of the hospital, underwent 13 surgeries and skin grafts. I almost lost my right arm. Since then, I’ve had 6 more surgeries and countless hours of physical and occupational therapy to repair the damage those dogs did. I still have 2 more to go. My medical bills are almost $2.3 million.
Rebecca Z., New York: My golden retriever was attacked by a pit bull that ran out of a house. Our dog was bit on the face and had 21 staples from under her ear to her jaw.
Lori I., MS: We have had to call police in 3 different states due to pit bulls on the loose and trying to attack us, our cars, and our pets. 7 pit bulls total. 2 (together) in Wa, 2 (separate attacks) in Tx, and 3 (separate attacks) in Ms. police had to shoot at one In my yard in Tx to stop it from attacking the officer, because when I arrived home and pulled into my driveway the neighbors pit bull charged my car and tried to tear my tire off- police arrived, shot at the attacking dog, it ran but was later caught, quarantined then euthanized- it had previously attacked and bitten another elderly neighbor. Two chased me into my home in Wa state. 1 chased my daughter into our neighbors home (Ms), 1 tried to rip our front gate off our yard to get to me (Ms), and I came home one night to find another one trying to tear open my rabbit cage (ms). We’ve only had encounters with aggressive pit bulls. We’ve had no other problems like this out of any other breed of dog.
Madelaine P., N.C.: A foster dog labeled as aggressive to animals by Wake County NC was placed in a foster home in my townhome community in Apex NC. This community is filled with small children and pets and does require pets to be walked since little to no units are fenced in and it is against HOA code to allow a pet to be left unattended or even tethered outside. The pit bull in question broke free from its collar and ran across the street towards my 2-year old daughter and disabled Australian Cattle Dog Jax. Luckily my daughter was in the opposite side of Jax and Jax took the attack. Minutes later my fiancé was able to knock the dog out and remove the animal. Wake County took the dog away which is great but still no word as to whether the county or foster family is responsible for Jax’s medical bills. My hope is that our state or at least county can be held accountable and begin implementing stricter regulations disallowing known aggressive animals from adoption. As well as requiring background checks and special licensing to prevent dangerous breeds from ending up in bad hands, as well as a mandate for all owners of aggressive breeds to carry a break stick with them at all times. I’s also like muzzles to be a requirement but that is doubtful, isn’t it? Our state is highly prone to pitbull attacks, fighting rings and shelter pits due to the financial conditions of many counties. I hope to hear back soon as to what my next steps are and may likely have to take this up as a civil claim if my county is responsible, regardless they were extremely negligent and should be held accountable.
Emma T., Michigan: My neighbor’s pit bull pulled our pug under the fence and killed him. The neighbors at first agreed to put their vicious dog down, but instead hid it from animal control and it reappears every so often at their house. The authorities are unconcerned.
Nell W., New York: My 6lb docile dog was attacked by a pit bull doberman mix and lost his eye. I am absolutely distraught as he is not just my dog but my emotional support dog.
Courtney J., Nebraska: My 14 year old chihuahua P-nut was attacked and killed 6/25/19 in my own yard by my neighbors 2 pit bulls that were running loose in the neighborhood. Police and NHS were contacted and the news report stated that they only showed NHS one of the two dogs involved. The owners did not register, license, or have proper vet records for the dogs and they didn’t take the dogs out of the home. These two dogs charged my fence loose and came underneath it dragging my dog onto the sidewalk and they can come back anytime into my yard I still have P-nuts two sons here at home and I’m terrified everyday that they will get back in and kill them too.
Deseree V., Kansas: My lab was attacked twice by my neighbors pit bull. My German Shepherd puppy attacked twice by the neighbors pit bulls and a separate incident with 2 pit bulls from the neighbor 1 block away.
Marlene P., North Carolina: May 30, 2012, 3 pit bulls escaped from their yard & ran into mine. I was in my backyard, close to my back door with my 2 little dogs. I was able to get my Bichon in the back door. Unfortunately, my Maltese named Rocky was killed by the pit bulls. To this day I fear taking my dog outside. I will never forget that traumatic day.
Arial B., Florida: Pit killed cats. Pit attacked and killed puppy in YMCA athletic complex in front of dozens of children including mine. And I’m a former college educated dog trainer and handler who understands dog psychology and genetics very well.
Sandy E., Iowa: My dog survived an attack and I was not injured, although both of us are traumatized. There has been a four-fold increase of pit bull ownership within 10 blocks of my house within the last year, and 60% of the dogs on Petfinder in my city are pit, pit-types or pit crosses. Even the local well-respected small dog rescue is now housing and adopting out pit bulls with bite histories.
Amanda B., Missouri: I always thought they were a misunderstood breed and if they had good homes they wouldn’t be aggressive. I adopted a pit mix in Jan 2018 from a shelter and he was very timid and calm. Once he warmed up to us he got aggressive with my daughter and bit her hand. I called animal control and the dog was taken. More recently in May 2019 I was walking my 1 year old golden retriever on a leash when someone opened their garage door and a grey pit spotted my golden and came straight at her completely unprovoked. I fought the dog as hard as I could to get it off and screamed for help. My golden is extremely docile she didn’t even try to fight back she just laid there and cried while I was wrestling this dog off of her. Finally the owner came over and punched his dog in the face to get it off. My golden had multiple puncture wounds and I had scratches and bruises all over. I am terrified to walk my dog or leave my house. The city won’t do anything because the dog is vaccinated.
Ruby, North Carolina: Yes I have had a couple of dogs attacked by several pits. Different times. I used to do lots of advocating for pitties, but NO more.
Jessica S., Colorado: This past May 5, I took my Australian Shepherd to the car wash and then we were going to the park to run. The car wash is dog friendly and even has a fenced dog run. I noticed 2 pits in there, and having been attacked when I was younger, promptly walked my dog the other direction. We were spotted by one of the dogs that leapt the fence and immediately latched onto my dog’s neck. This dog killed their family chihuahua in January, attacked my dog who is 70lbs, then killed a shitzu the same day because the owner thought taking the agitated dog to a dog park was a good idea. My dog survived, thankfully. This individual breeds and sells these aggressive dogs.
Rebecca M., California: I was attacked by a pit bull. Horrible how the pit got away from owner & came charging to attack, awful awful experience. The dog should be put to sleep!!
Emily W., Wisconsin: My horse was chased by a pit, unseating me. He kicked the pit bull in the face and it decided to mess with a different horse. I know many of people mauled, pets and livestock dead. Pit bulls are unpredictable, violent animals with antisocial, trashy owners. The owners get off on making people scared in the streets and on trails.
Jennifer, Wisconsin: My german shepherd had to be hospitalized after a pit bull jumped off the deck above us onto him. Another one attacked my elderly friend in Beloit Wisconsin and she now has to drive several miles away to take her dogs out for a walk because her dog was so badly injured it needed drain tubes all over its body. I used to work for an animal shelter and two different veterinarians. There certainly were sweet pit bulls here and there. But, the worst temperaments and the worst attacks I ever had to treat or euthanize a victim for were from pits. I used to believe it was all about how they were raised and now I am afraid to leave my own home because there are so many loose pit bulls even in this tourist town of Lake Geneva.
Sherry T., Ohio: I had a pit bull charge my car in a parking lot . It slammed on the passenger window that was down four or five inches. It was hanging on the window and trying to get it’s head in to attack me. I had to gas the car to knock it off. I’ve also had a couple other time when Pits tried to attack my dogs while walking them. About everyone that I know has had them charge their dogs while walking them. My daughter had to kick one and my friends husband has to kick one that was trying to attack. All my experience with pit bulls is bad. I would never trust one.
Rose, Tennessee: In recent years I have been on the scene of at least 5 pit bull/pit mix attacks. First was a pit from a rescue that was deemed “unadoptable” and adopted out to a volunteer. This dog almost killed a small dog causing over 3,000 in vet bills. Second was at a dog park where a pit charged at a lab and wouldn’t release its neck. The owners were beating the pit and it wouldn’t let go. It finally released and the owner disappeared without a word. Third was my dog (brussels griffon). The pit suddenly lunged and grabbed my dog around the neck. I ran inside and peppersprayed it as it was trying to kill my dog. Kicking and hitting didn’t make it release. Neither did pepper spray. The owner grabbed my dog and tried to pull it out of her dog’s mouth. When it finally released, it went in again and grabbed my dog. My dog had over $1000 in vet bills and survived (luckily). I reported the attack to animal control. The dog was unlicensed and unvaccinated, yet they failed to cite the owners for the attack or lack of license/vaccinations. I sued and won, but know the owners will never pay anything. Since winning the suit, my dog had continued issues and had to go to the vet repeatedly. In the end, it was found that the dog’s tooth punctured his ear canal and it never healed. He needed specialist surgery to remove his ear canal and save his life ($2,500). After he had the surgery, he developed severe separation anxiety. The training for this is tough. I did everything I could (Patricia McConnel’s I’ll be home soon book), but with working I was unable to do the training and lacked money to have him cared for during the day. After two years of hell, I had to find my dog another home. I found him a good home in WI to be an emotional support animal for a girl with autism. Several members of her family only work part time. He has been doing well there. My pit experiences have scarred me for life. Due to irresponsible dog owners and pit experiences, I now have a dog phobia. I can’t get over it with so many neighbors having off leash dogs and other incidents. Over the holidays I was growled at by a “service” pit in an airport. Handler said she was “doing her job”. I have seen countless attacks and attempted attacks. I was out with a friend and a pit tried to attack her dog at the dog park. Luckily, her dog was fast and was able to get away. After missing the pit kept trying to go after her dog and would’t give up. No bystander could manage to control the dog. I opened the dog park gate and her dog managed to escape. We left. The pit stayed at the dog park. I have seen many incidents and they all have one thing in common: the dog seems 100% fine then there is a minor triggering event and the dog goes for the kill. It seems like every pit has a certain set of circumstances where it will go to try to kill another dog or human. The owners are so blind to what is going on. It is very dangerous. The large number of pits and out of control dogs is why I will never own a dog again.
Adaja L., Virginia: My sweet Yorkie Pooh Baxter was attacked and killed by a pit bull outside our house while he was being walked. Most traumatizing experience ever. It’s been one year now.
Mary, Texas: My pet was killed by 3 adult pit bulls on my property.
Theresa P., Washington: Look (picture attached) at that goofy Pittie ‘smile’, the one they’re so adored for. Now, open that mouth up, nice and wide. Imagine it wrapped around your leg, your child’s skull, your dog. Now imagine that, without a break stick (used in dog fighting), there’s no way to get that dog to open his clamped jaws other than a gunshot to the head. Imagine the strength of his bite being several-fold stronger than the average Retriever’s. That’s what happened to me and my dog. He was killed in front of me, his dying eyes bulging, going dark, me the last thing he saw, pleading with me to help him but I could not. His body twitched before it hung limp from that precious Pittie’s mouth. That Pit owner walked his dog back to his truck, death in their wake, my dog’s blood dripping from his jaws, and drove away. They never looked back. I held my 14 yr old dead dog in that spot, skull crushed, for hours. I remember trying to push his brain back inside what was left of his skull but it wouldn’t stay there. I hate every Pitbull that has, does, or will ever walk this planet. A good Pitbull is a dead one.
Ramona W., New York: My friend Lisa was attacked by a Pit Bull when dropping food off to a friend, she sustained a lot of injuries and 72 stitches. My service dog was seriously attacked in Jan of this year. My quick thinking saved his life. A 6 year old child was attacked in my apartment complex, my quick thinking and broom stick saved his life.
Cheryl H., New Mexico: My Chihuahua was killed in his own yard by a pit bull and a husky who jumped the fence in March 2019.
Tammy B., Indiana: I was attacked by a Pitbull in Alabama. I was 17. In Indiana, My schnauzer and I was attacked by a Pitbull. I was 19. My own pit/lab attacked my 2 years old child. I put it in shelter. I was 23. Later, I was attacked by friend’s Pitbull. In 2014, My farm animals, dogs and I was attacked by my neighbor’s pitbull. This year and last year my family and my dogs were attack by other neighbor two Pitbulls. Currently Protection order against them. My aunt’s Pitbull attacked a child few years ago. Have more stories.
Sarah M., Idaho: I’ve been charged into my garage by a pit bull. Never mauled, but I’ve seen what they can do. Unpredictable, random, unprovoked attacks. Keep your kids away from them.
Jane P., Virginia: Myself and my two dogs were attacked by a pit bull. One of my dogs was killed.
Melony M., Connecticut: Having them around you everywhere makes the quality of life low because you are always on the look out.,,.my neighbor has one and I’ve got 2 young kids and I’m not very big myself,.,.now we’re thinking of buying a gun and putting up a fence which are unnecessary expenses.,.,I’m a pretty healthy person but now I don’t want to walk around because there are a lot of incidents that pit bull just bust out from where they are,.,.PLEASE ORGANIZE A GROUP SO WE CAN LOBBY THIS IN DC AND LET THESE DEADLY DOGS BE BANNED,.,.THEY NEED TO BE IN CATEGORY OF LIONS AND THE LIKE BECAUSE THESE MONSTERS ARE NOT FOR PETS.,,.let’s keep on hashtagging #banpits.,.,there’s also a growing antipits in reddit,.,.maybe we can all gather and make a sound,,.,.
Tonya A., Colorado: There were a lot of stray pit bulls in my old neighborhood, and one evening a pit came along and chased my neighbors’s cat, caught it, and shook it til her neck broke. I was yelling at the dog and waving my arms; it only dropped the cat when she was dead. The pit owner was found but just lied and said that was no longer his dog.
James D., California: I was walking an envelope to FedEx on a public sidewalk midday May 29. 2013. A lady was walking a pit bull in the opposite direction. The dog was completely placid until we passed when “Kamala” sudden went crazy and attacked from behind. There was a full 911 police response. The officer patched up some cuts with his first aid kit. I had high deductible health care at the time, and didn’t go to the doctor, but the dog was quarantined for 10 days and no rabies. I’ve never had a dog and was puzzled by that. Later when I did some research, I realized I’d gotten off easy – the dog walker reacted quickly, and the pit bull was young. In my conversation with the walker, she said the dog doesn’t like men, which made me wonder why she would let the dog get close to me in the first place. She was a hired pro dog walker in uniform, a zombie. In a later conversation with the dog’s actual owner, she copped that Kamala had subsequently attacked someone’s pet. She paid the vet bill for that. This later incident wasn’t reported to animal control or SVPD, but I made sure that mine was.
Chloe W., Ohio: My pit bull started attacking when he heard my blender start, which is something he heard before. We had him since he was little, never had aggression before. He started growling and nipping at my feet and jumping up at me. I bent over to push him away and him ripped off a part of my lip. I have had surgery on it to fix it. He then clamped onto my mothers breast and my dad had to punch him multiple times to get him to release.
Alicia S., Ohio: I wasn’t attacked but my son was bit in the face by a rescue pitbull. The shelter claimed he was sweet and great with kids and cats. He also started lunging at my sister’s cats. She took him back after I raised a big fuss.
Joyce Y., Georgia: My then 4-month old Labrador puppy was attacked by an unleashed pit during our walk. I’m the midst of separating them, I got bitten and scratched too.
Courtney B., Tennessee: Our dog, horse and 4 year old were attacked on 3 different occasions by a neighbor’s 2 pit bulls.
James S., Delaware: Walking 3 small dogs. A loose pit jumped out from behind a fence and grabbed our 6 lb rescue mini schnauzer mix. I dropped down on the pit and stuck my hands in his mouth but was unable to break his grip. In less than one minute Elvis was dead. The other 2 dogs took off. One, a 6 month old puppy was never found. I tied the pit to a tree with my dead dog’s leash. The owners of the pit came upon the murder scene a few minutes later and said they were from animal control. For a second I believed them as I was in shock. I realized then they were not and they threatened me. They then took of running with the Pit, never to be found. While the City if Wilminton delaware has a leash law, the city police look to the state animal control for enforcement. But because the state has no leash law in the state animal control is powerless to enforce. A true catch 22.
Victor K., Washington: I have lost one mini horse and one goat, and an afghan hound was attacked by pit bulls. One of my moms dogs was the first dog to be attacked at a dog show in the show ring by a pit. We have had problems with pit bulls for over 45 years now. I used to defend these dogs but I cannot anymore. Dead horse, dead dogs, dead goat, numerous attacks over the years and they keep just showing up looking for more to maul. I bury them with my backhoe along with their victims.
Kimberley A., Kentucky: We picked up a pit bull after seeing someone dumping her. Put her in a dog pen while trying to find a rescue. She was trying to eat through the kennel to get to our dogs. She was so aggressive and vicious that we took her to a kill shelter. My husband got bit by a pit bull at the Mayfield flea market. Mayfield has a pit bull ordinance that is not enforced.
Sue C., Ontario: I owned a pit bull many years ago that I got from a shelter. I was lucky to get out of that without harm. It attached itself to my husband and snapped at me when I would touch him. We returned that dog and realized then what they meant when they said NO CHILDREN NO PETS in the house. It’s an old old deception. Then my friend who has MS had her dog torn in two by 2 pits on the streets of TO. She rode a scooter. Could not walk or talk and had to watch this. There are also many stories I hear from others. One in particular was a Pit bull that attacked a German Shepherd. One week later they had to put the Shepherd down. It lived in fear from that moment and was out of control. Total personality change. They lost their beloved calm pet due to a 2 minute experience from a PIT BULL I could go on and on.
Tracy M., Washington: I lived with a person who had four of them. They were raised with love and taken care of. They ended up killing neighborhood cats, then turned on each other, killing two, then turned on their owner. They bit off the end of his finger and later in another attack, almost removed his thumb. They cornered me in the house several times and it took serious blows to the head to get them to leave.
Marilyn M., Colorado: Twice..My husband and I have had to fight off pit bulls trying to attack our dogs and trying to get over our fence..We never let our pups out alone because of the frequency of loose pitbulls in my neighborhood…Many,many dogs and thier owners walk by my home daily..I’ve have never seen the level of aggression that the pitbull type dogs have compared to any other breed.
Robyn J., Connecticut: My 82 year old father and his 14 yr old sheltie were attacked unprovoked and defenseless. The sheltie died and my father cried every day until he died.
Debbie S., North Carolina: Attacked by neighbors Pit. Severe leg injury with broken fibula. Ongoing pain.
Florence F., Washington: A neighbor’s pit cross killed my chihuahua with one bite around her abdomen. Internal bleeding, bad prognosis, euthanized. Same dog also attacked two neighbor’s dogs, killing one and costing over $5k in vet bills to save the other. I believe this pit also killed my cat, though I only witnessed it leaving the area, so can’t prove it. The owner denied all of this, even though he witnessed the fatal attack on my chihuahua. Took him to court and he lied like a rug. His brother in law secretly took the dog and unfortunately rehomed it away from our area.
Jami S., Colorado: My 5 month old toy poodle was attacked and killed by a Pit Bull mix in front of my 10 year old daughter at her school. Both dogs were on leashes. This was the 2nd time this Pit Bull had been cited for attacking other pets. I didn’t have a court case because I protected my daughter from trying to save her puppy and was not in the circle of harm.
Anastaysia K., Colorado: My dog was recently killed by a PB
Ute S., Ontario: My whippet was literally decapitated by two well loved pit bulls right at my feet.
Laurie W., Pennsylvania: My two elderly greyhounds were attacked by a “rehabbed” put bull who tried to kill them.
Christi H., Delaware: I’ve witnessed a pit bull set of parents slaughter their own puppies. My friend had her stomach ripped open by a pit bull. I’ve seen enough testimony to know they can’t be trusted.
Tanya N., Pennsylvania: My son was just 9 years old. He along with several children, including the child that the pitbull belonged to. They were playing a game called Man Hunt, which is a hide and seek game. My son and other children were hiding, and my son went and hid in their yard. The children were going from each other’s yards. While my son was hidding, the stepdad opened his back door to let the pitbull out. Now, that dog just a few days prior, had gotten out of its front door and went a few doors down to a 5 year old girl’s porch and attacked her. It was completely unprovoked and bit and scratched her neck and back. My son was in plain site in the yard when the stepfather opened the back door. The dog charged at my son. Luckily my son put up his arm to protect his face. The dog bit his lower lip. Then latched on to his forearm. It dragged him while shaking him through the yard. The own finally got the dog to release my son. And then my son got up, turned around to jump the 3 foot high fence. But the dog broke free and latched on to his back. He continued to bite and pull my son as he crawled screaming and crying as he was dragged through the yard. Every time the owner would get the pitbull to release for a moment my son kept trying to crawl away. But because of the pain and trauma and the strength of that dog, he could only get a few feet away before the dog would bit him again. This went on for over 5 minutes. The neighbors were now coming to save my son, they said that his cries were heartwrenching. They called 911. Finally they were able to get the dog off and put in the house. The owner, whom my husband coached his stepchildren, called me and said that my son was bitten by a dog. Never did he said that it was his or that it was a pitbull. He rattled off his address saying that it was bad and the ambulance was coming. We live about 6 blocks away. I quickly got my younger son into our car, while calling my oldest son who was in that neighborhood playing too. Because I didn’t know which son was attacked. After finding out it was my 9 year old, I told my older son to meet me at that address. When I came up on the house the ambulance was already there. An older gentleman came up to me and asked if I was the Mom. He then told me that it was a pitbull attack and it was bad. Then he told me that this dog was on quarantine for attacking his granddaughter just few days before. When I got to my son he was in complete shock. He was crying, screaming and shaking. He was covered in blood and his clothes wehis re shredded. My baby was battered and bloodied. Thank God there were two women that were tending to my son before the ambulance got there. I just kept holding his little body, my son weighed about 60 lbs and he was attacked by a 85 lb killing machine. His arm and back just kept pumping blood. I called my husband his Dad, who works at the hospital that we were coming and it was bad. I called my Mom to come and get my 2 other children. The look on their faces and their friends faces was shear shock and fear. The police and detectives followed us in the ambulance. When we pulled up to E.R. bay my husband was waiting. My son just collapsed into Daddy’s arms crying and shaking. The doctor said this could have been much worse if my son didn’t put his arm up to protect his face. After a few hours we were released. My son came home exhausted and sore. Our black lab just kept watch over him for days. That night we took him in to give him a shower. When he saw all of the damage he just broke down into tears. For the next two weeks he slept with us because of the night terrors. It broke our hearts. Later that day my husband went to the owner’s house to get my son’s glasses and hat. He got to see all the blood still in the alleyway. The owner came out and said he was sorry and that they were putting the dog down. But those words could never take away the traumatic damage that was done to my son. After the wounds healed he still bears the scars. And even though he is going on 16 years old, anytime someone asks about them, he still calls them Survivor badges.
Donna E., Arkansas: My neighbor had his finger and legs ate off by pit bulls.
Jillian S., New Hampshire: I was mauled by a “friends” pit bull mix. It ripped a chunk out of my arm and I have permanent nerve damage.
Larissa M., Nevada: My neighbors had 2 pits. Claimed they were the best dogs and so good with their kids. Those dogs got loose and attacked my Husband one day. When the neighbors dragged the dogs home, the one dog attacked their own family member less than a week later. These dogs might be safe on chains but should not be allowed to run loose EVER and should not be allowed out without muzzles.
Bill K., Wisconsin: I had a small dog (18 pound shih tzu/cocker spaniel mix) blindly attacked by 2 pit bulls in Stevens Point, WI. My dog was ripped apart like a rag doll and, despite 7 hours at the emergency vet at a cost of $1700, he died that night due to the severe physical damage. I was told no charges could be filed or action taken against the dogs because they hadn’t but a human. I was advised that I could sue the owner (a poverty stricken, homeless drug addict) in civil court, since my dog is “personal property” and this is viewed similar to the dogs destroying a car tire. I went to counseling following the attack and was advised that I was suffering from PTSD as a result of witnessing the 2 dogs brutally maul my dog. It took 7 adult men to pry my Cosmo from the mouths of the 2 pit bulls. I still have nightmares about the attack.
Debra M., Idaho: I have 2 friends who had their small dogs killed by pit bulls. My brother had his Sheltie collie attacked and his wife knocked down by a pitbull attack. He has a Siberian husky that grabbed the pit bull and did it some damage to free the little collie. His vet bill was nearly 1,000 dollars. I am a care giver to a 100 year old lady who has a pitbull next door. For me to work in her garden I carry bear spray as the dog is vicious and tries to climb the fence.
Janai F., Colorado: Pit bull attacked my 9lb dog while on a walk. Pit bull was on a leash but got so aggressive it pulled itself away from the owner to attack my dog.
Danielle E., Nebraska: Neighbors child was visiting with her pit bull. The pit came through the fence into our yard and attacked our Corgi.
Von D., Texas: Two pit bulls killed my 4 rescued cats which were fully vetted and in my porch. The dogs came back every night and tried to get into the house. Cops and Animal Control came but were useless. I told the owner he should confine the dogs or give them to someone who could. He told me to mind my own business. I can no longer open my door without fear they or other pits will be there. I don’t sit on the porch on nice evenings any more.
Grace W., Washington: Two pitbulls attacked/killed my goats. 5 dead, 3 severely injured. It was a massacre.
Susan B., California: One friend was bitten on the head and face by a pit bull dog he knew well. The other was walking his dog when the pit attacked, in protecting his dog 2 fingers were partially severed.
Beverly P., South Carolina: My son’s girlfriend of 8 years was killed by her pit. My dogs and I all 3, were attacked by a pit bull in my own front yard.
Laurie H., Maryland: I worked at a pro pit bull shelter where they house 6 dogs to a kennel. Almost every week a dog got mauled in the kennels or a rabbit or a cat or kitten was mauled/killed by a pit bull. I saw it many times with my own eyes. They would work really hard to get dangerous pit bulls adopted only to have them be returned time and time again for attacking something or someone. I learned about pit bull talking points and how violent pit bulls are working and volunteering there for many years.