After passing the Michigan House of Representatives in an 88-13 vote on Tuesday, October 13, HB 4035 has been sent to the Senate Committee on Local Government. No hearing date has been set.
Please call, write and send a fax to the Committee and request that the Committee OPPOSES HB 4035. This bill would prohibit local units of government to enact or enforce any form of Breed Specific Law. This is in direct opposition of the Michigan Constitution and would negatively impact public safety.
Senator Dale Zorn, (R) Chair (517) 373-3543 SenDZorn@senate.michigan.gov
Senator Ruth Johnson, (R) Vice Chair (517) 373-1636 SenRJohnson@senate.michigan.gov
Senator Kevin Daley (R) (517) 373-1777 SenKDaley@senate.michigan.gov
Senator Betty Jean Alexander, (D) Minority Vice Chair (517)373-0994 SenBAlexander@senate.michigan.gov
Senator Jeremy Moss, (D) (517) 373-7888 senjmoss@senate.michigan.gov
Clerk: Jackie Mosher (517) 373-5312
We ask in the interest of public safety, for you, your family and your neighborhood that you let your legislators know what you think about this serious issue. Unless people speak up, nothing changes. Inaction is consent. Do we really want more killer dogs in our neighborhoods?