HB 4035 is a PREEMPTION bill that would strip local units of government of their authority to enact or enforce local safety ordinances regarding dangerous dog breeds. It compromises public safety and strips local governments of their authority to protect their residents.
Standing Committee Meeting Local Government and Municipal Finance, Rep. James Lower, Chair
DATE: Wednesday, February 19, 2020 TIME: 12:00 PM
PLACE: Room 519, House Office Building, Lansing, MI
AGENDA: HB 4035 (Rep. Ellison) Animals; dogs; local government regulating a dog based on breed or perceived breed; prohibit.
Conflict of interest? FYI…HB 4035 sponsor, Rep. Jim Ellison’s wife is the director of the pro pit bull Royal Oak Animal Shelter. Chair Jim Lower’s wife is a pro pit bull vet tech.
Please contact Michigan representatives and urge them to OPPOSE HB 4035!