TAKE ACTION! Please call Senate Majority Leader, Mike Shirkey, and tell him to OPPOSE HB 4035 to KEEP LOCAL CONTROL and PROTECT PUBLIC SAFETY at (517) 373- 5932. Email: SenMShirkey@senate.michigan.gov Our Michigan Constitution demands it. Call your senator as well and tell him/her the same!
HB 4035 passed 88-13 in a vote of the full House of Representatives on October 13, 2020. All the State Reps were sent information and saw presentations about the escalating number of pit bull attacks, the voluminous medical studies proving pit bulls are responsible for the most severe attacks and warn parents to keep pit bulls away from children. They were also reminded that the Michigan Constitution prescribes a strong policy of local control. Despite public testimony with presentation of overwhelming amounts of facts and data, the majority of State Reps voted against common sense, public safety, local control and the Michigan Constitution. Remember this when they come up for re-election.
The bill will now be sent to the Senate for a vote. If it passes there, it will be sent to Governor Whitmer to be signed into law. Act NOW to stop the insanity.