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Responsible Citizens for Public Safety will be holding our first public event at the Michigan State Capitol. We are pleased to announce that Colleen Lynn, the founder of DogsBite.org, will be our special guest speaker! After being seriously injured by a pit bull while jogging in June of 2007, Colleen Lynn researched dog attacks and launched Dogsbite.org, a national dog bite victim’s group dedicated to reducing serious dog attacks. DogsBite.org publishes accounts of dog bite related fatalities throughout the United States, victim testimonies, statistics, and an overview of breed specific legislation within the United States. DogsBite.org statistics and information have been cited in courtrooms and media publications across the USA and Canada.

Included in the event program are representatives from S.C.A.R.S. Kids, an organization supporting children suffering trauma level injuries due to dog attacks, as well as medical professionals, victims and survivors who will recount their experiences. We will honor the heroes and first responders who risked their lives to help save people and beloved pets from dangerous dog attacks. We hope to raise awareness about the fact that pit bull attacks are NOT rare occurrences. We want to dispel the common misconception that mistreated pit bulls are the most attacks are from the family pet pit bull, not from mistreated pit bulls, a common misconception. Severe, disfiguring dog attacks happen daily across the nation. The results are often catastrophic physically, mentally and financially. Michigan has seen far too many devastating and fatal dog attacks. It has to stop!
We want Michigan Legislators to hear the victims voices and see that so many lives are impacted by dangerous dog attacks. We want them to say NO to the pit bull lobby. We want them to OPPOSE HB 4035. We want to hold legislators to their obligation to protect public safety over dangerous dogs!