BSL = Breed Specific Legislation or Breed Safety Laws
Breed Safety Laws Save Lives.
Breed Safety Laws (BSL) are designed as a proactive measure to prevent severe disfiguring dog attacks and fatalities. Breed specific legislation specifies that dogs of a certain type or appearance be subjected to particular laws. Legislation may ban certain types of dog in a defined geographic area, or it may restrict particular kinds of dogs in specific ways. BSL takes many forms, some of which are very simple, inexpensive and effective.

People aren’t seeking legislative protection based on the belief all pit bulls are bad, but based on the reality that pit bulls carry far more risk to innocent people than non-fighting breeds. Just as the average person doesn’t want to take the risk of being killed by a drunk driver, the average person also doesn’t want to risk being maimed, mauled or killed by a fighting breed dog.
Our current Michigan dangerous dog law is reactive and favors dangerous dog owners.
Nothing happens until a victim has been injured or killed, then victim remedies are through civil litigation.
Most pit bull owners are uncollectable and the victim is left with ruinous medical bills.
The intention of BSL for pit bulls is not to reduce simple bite counts. The intention is to reduce the number of life changing attacks and deaths caused by this type of dog. Any dog can bite. Bites require band aids or a few stitches. Maulings require reconstructive surgeries or possibly caskets. Most dog breeds bite and release. Pit Bulls don’t let go and the damage they inflict on their victims within seconds is life threatening. Since pit bull type dogs are responsible for a disproportionate number of severe attacks, it is common sense to restrict their ownership in the interest of public safety. We would like to see pit bull type-dogs be more regulated, since they are the number one canine killer of people, pets and livestock of all dog breeds combined.
No one would be negatively affected by a BSL for pit bull type dogs except dogfighters, breeders, people profiting from their exploitation and irresponsible owners who don’t care enough about public safety to follow reasonable rules established by BSL.
BSL for pit bulls may include:
- requiring pit bull type dogs to be muzzled and on short leashes while in public
- requiring special licensing/registration of pit bull type dogs
- requiring additional liability insurance for both home owners and renters
- requiring landlord agreements for rentals to pit bull owners
- requiring warning signs on properties where pit bulls are housed
- requiring special housing and fencing requirements
- requiring special training certificates for pit bull owners
- making it illegal for pit bull type dogs to use designated dog parks
- making it illegal to rescue or import pit bull type dogs from other areas
- mandatory spay and neutering to reduce euthanization rates
- regulations about the transport of pit bull type dogs from one location to another
- outright bans on the ownership of pit bull type dogs
For comprehensive information, see Breed-Specific Legislation FAQ, a national dog bite victims’ group dedicated to reducing serious dog attacks, releases a Breed-Specific Legislation FAQ on its website. The new in depth FAQ explains what breed-specific legislation (BSL) encompasses, why it primarily involves pit bulls, how cities and counties enforce breed-specific laws and examples of ordinances that produced strong results. The FAQ also dismantles a variety of false myths about BSL.

Less than 25% of pit bull owners spay or neuter their dogs, compared to 75% of other breeds. The result is high levels of costly and tragic euthanization due to excessive over-population. Breed-specific laws do not mean killing dogs — in fact, BSL can improve the rates at which pit bulls are currently euthanized as a result of rampant over-breeding.
Many of the jurisdictions that ban or restrict pit bulls apply their restrictions to: (a) the modern American Pit Bull Terrier, (b) American Staffordshire Terrier, (c) Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and (d) any other dog that has the substantial physical characteristics and appearance of those breeds.
“Communities that enact breed-specific laws usually do because a single class of dogs — pit bulls — constitutes a small percent of the registered dog population but commits a large number of bites. This is further compounded by the fact that many pit bull bites result in severe injury.”
KEY COMPONENT: The key component is a law requiring neutering and spaying of both male and female pit bulls, so further breeding is impossible. In some countries like Australia, the goal is for pit bull type dogs to die out by natural attrition.
Currently, more than 900,000 pit bull types dogs are euthanized every year in the United States – more than 6 times the number of other types of dogs – due to excessive breeding. BSL saves not only the lives of victims but the lives of pit bulls.
View an extensive body of information about Breed Specific Legislation.