Selling Dangerous Dogs: Shelters and Rescue groups can’t be trusted…
Vallejo, CA: A mother and her young child were brutally attacked by 3 pit bull type dogs belonging to a relative in their home. The child was hospitalized for over a week. Police Sergeant, Steve Darden at the scene of the attack stated that without police intervention, the victims would have died from the attack. …
Horses under attack by Pit Bull…
Fears Become Reality for Neighbors Living Near Pit Bulls
Gainesville, FL has seen a significant increase in dog attacks from 2014-2018 and this article delves into the recent attacks leaving neighborhoods in fear. City officials are considering strengthening their dangerous dog laws to add punitive repercussions, but residents want a preventative measure.
Announcement: Official Nationwide RC4PS Start Up
We are pleased to announce the official start up for Responsible Citizens for Public Safety (RC4PS). Our goals are: To establish and equip a nationwide network of Breed Specific Law (BSL) activists by working with like-minded organizations. To introduce BSL through those equipped activists into communities and on a state level by community outreach and …
Pro-Pit Lobby Attacks Free Speech
To illustrate what BSL advocates are up against, a pro-pit lobbyist on Facebook reported a Page from this site, ProActive – Launching BSL Legislation in Other States I was sharing as “against community” standard. Every attempt is made by pro-Pit Bulls advocates to stifle information getting out to the public about the epidemic of attacks …