BEWARE: Michigan Animal Shelters and Rescues are Adopting out Aggressive Pit Bulls that have Attacked

Abel, the pit bull mix was surrendered to UPAWS shelter in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. After passing the “SAFER” temperament test, the shelter adopted him to a family. That day, Abel attacked an 18 year old. The victim sustained severe injuries requiring reconstructive surgeries.

Due to pressure from Pit Bull advocates, instead of humanely euthanizing the proven dangerous dog, UPAWS shelter sent the pit bull mix to a rescue Detroit Animal Welfare Group (DAWG) in Romeo, MI where he is now UP FOR ADOPTION.

Oakland County Animal Control, a TAXPAYER funded shelter in Pontiac, MI, continues to place potentially dangerous dogs up for adoption. Most of the dogs available are pit bulls or pit mixes. See our page Dangerous Shelters and Rescues.

Recently, a pit bull that severely attacked a teenager in Connecticut was transferred to Devoted Friends Rescue in Ortonville, MI.

The irresponsible and unethical actions by these shelters/rescues which threaten the safety of families and neighborhoods will only stop when concerned citizens contact their legislators and DEMAND that pit bulls be regulated in the interest of public safety.