Michigan HB 4035 Hearing 2/19/20

Please write and CALL the listed representatives and tell them to OPPOSE HB 4035!

On February 19, 2020, the Michigan House Committee on Local Government and Municipal Finance heard testimony in support and opposition of House Bill 4035 which would prohibit breed specific legislation ( BSL) in all Michigan communities.

I represented Responsible Citizens for Public Safety in opposition to the bill. My testimony begins at 32:09 for those interested.

The pit bull promoting lobbyists were there in support of the bill, including the Mayor Pro Tem of Hazel Park, where Benjamin Cobb, age 4, was fatally mauled by a pit bull only a few months ago. Hazel Park used to have a ban on pit bulls that was repealed a few years ago. We made the point that had the ban still been in effect, Benjamin would be alive today.

The vote on this bill has not yet been scheduled.

Please take action now!

Michigan House of Representatives Committee on Local Government 

Committee Clerk: Molly Wingrove 
Phone: (517) 373-5024 
e-Mail:  mwingrove@house.mi.gov   

*Request your email be entered into public testimony*