Tag «Dangerous Dogs»

MICHIGAN: Fatal Pit Bull Attacks on the Rise…

2019: Three fatal pit bull attacks in close sequence cause grave concern in Michigan. Two of the attacks just a week after Responsible Citizens for Public Safety held a tribute to victims and survivors in Lansing on the steps of the Capitol. The tragic fatalities should indicate to Michigan legislators that pit bulls are indeed …

What medical doctors say about pit bulls (Part 1)

What medical doctors say about pit bulls

For National Pit Bull Victim Awareness Month, Responsible Citizens for Public Safety (RC4PS.org) has released a short public education video. The video consists of quotations from medical doctors, giving their view of pit bulls. Similar to the outcry that slowly grew over cigarette smoking to demand action from politicians in the 1970s and 1980s, there …

Are Pit Bulls Dangerous?

Please watch this video compilation and share it. It could save your life or that of someone you love. Pit bulls were bred specifically to kill. They have a genetic trait for unpredictable, explosive aggression. No one can train genetic traits out of any dog breed. Fighting breed dogs will always be unpredictable. Sound, odor …

2018 U.S Dog Bite Fatality Statistics

DogsBite.org recorded 36 fatal dog attacks in 2018. Pit bulls contributed to 72% (26) of these deaths. It’s worse than ever…When a product causes harm or death it is immediately taken off the market…Why are legislators overlooking the #1 canine killer of people pets and livestock- PIT BULLS?!Public Safety is at risk. The medical community says …